
Main Services


08:00 Holy Communion
09:30 Sung Parish Mass
09:30 Sunday Schools
18:30 Evensong (Online or in Church -See Parish Diary)


08:45 Morning Prayer (Wednesday)

11:00 Mass (Wednesday)
16:15 Evening Prayer (Wednesday)

Worship Online

We often hold our Sunday evening services on Zoom at 6.30pm. For the code, please contact the Rector: susannah.brasier@upminsterparish.co.uk

During the Covid pandemic, we produced online services of hymns, readings and prayers, going live on the last Sunday of each month.
These services, together with reflections, and recordings made by our choir, are available on our YouTube channel: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBb6-cKUD2WqcXaCOX1AzA


By appointment with the Clergy.


Baptisms (also known as Christenings) are normally administered on Sundays during the 9.30am Mass or at 12 noon. Many of those whom we baptise are babies, but it is also possible for older children and adults to be baptised if they have not been so previously and wish to be part of the worshipping community.

We offer Confirmation preparation for young people and adults who would like to affirm promises made at baptism and to seek the help of God’s Spirit to live as lifelong disciples of Christ. Confirmation services are conducted by a Bishop and often take place in collaboration with other local churches.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office.


We are always pleased to receive enquiries from those seeking to be married at St Laurence. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Banns of Marriage

Banns of marriage are read on Sundays at our 9.30am Mass, usually for the first three consecutive weeks of the month that falls two months before the wedding. If you are marrying elsewhere and need to have banns read at St Laurence, please contact the Parish Office, ideally at least three months in advance of your wedding.


The clergy are available to conduct funerals either in church or at the crematorium or cemetery/burial ground. To enquire further, please contact Rev Susannah Brasier.

The Parish Church of St Laurence, Upminster
Corbets Tey Road
Upminster, Essex
RM14 2BB

Tel: 01708 220 696
Email: parish.office@upminsterparish.co.uk 

Parish Office opening times:

          Tues: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm

          Wed: 9.00 am - 11.00 am (Staff Meeting)

          Thursday: 9.10 am - 11:30 am
